1.Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark. Wall Street has hypnotized American brains to think short-term, about the next quarter, year-end bonuses, the next election cycle. Start thinking about the next generation.

2.Forget the critics. Trust yourself; you know what’s right. Less than a third of Americans are building a retirement Ark. Most will ignore the warnings of a flood coming and laugh at ark-builders. Don’t listen; do what’s right.

3. Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by pros. The Pros: Wall Street, Corporate America, Washington, cable television anchors, White House, Congress, SEC, the Fed. Don’t sink with them.

4.Two heads are better than one. Remember: “They boarded in twos.” You’re not alone. Your spouse. Best buddy. Think long-term, to a new career or being self-employed. Plan. Build your own “Great Ark.”

5. Build your future on high ground. Goals — your goals. Research at a major university proved that a group of graduates with specific goals had made more money than their fellow graduates 20 years later.

6. Don’t “miss the boat” — the ark will keep you from sinking. Remember, stocks aren’t your only option. Hard assets? Real estate? Getting more education? Cycles happen. We’ve had 25 bull/bear cycles over the past century. Recoveries happen too.

7. Don’t forget: We’re all in the same boat.  America is the great land of opportunity, even today. And while you’re getting yours, remember to help someone who missed the boat; throw them a lifeline.

8. Speed isn’t always an advantage; turtles boarded the Ark with cheetahs.  Let’s hear it one more time: In the race to build your financial ark, the tortoise beats the hare. Trust. You’ve got a lifetime. Just do it. Believe you’re a winner.

9. Woodpeckers inside are a larger threat than the storm outside.  Remember, attitude’s the key to success, it’s an inside job, all in your head. Successful living really does begin with that good old positive mental attitude.

10. When you’re stressed out, float awhile. Listen to the still small voice. Ask and receive. Pray. Exercise. Take a break. Call an old friend. Help someone worse off. Answers come. This too will pass.

11. Stay fit. When you’re 600 years old, “someone” might ask you to do something really big, like build an “ark” and “save your world.” That someone will be you. Maybe it’s a new calling. Follow your dreams and fulfill the reason you chose to come to earth at this moment in history.

12. Overwhelmed? Your Higher Power’s with you; a rainbow’s ahead. I’m very visual. I love symbols, icons — reminders that a Higher Power is working in my life. It’s easy to forget our blessings. Everywhere in our house and outside we have them: Noahs, Santas, Buddhas, Angels. They are protecting us, encouraging us to follow these ‘survival tips.’